Course Auto-Bicycle Repair

If you want to learn the mechanics of the bicycle, points on your agenda the 5 sessions during auto-repair to be carried out in the workshop Biciosxs of the CSA La Rampa!


SUNDAY 18 September: Punctures

What will we do:
– Remove wheels from frame
– Take off wheel cover and tube
– Patch camera
– Put the camera back on the deck and the wheel on the bike

What Brig, if you have it:
– The key to remove the wheel from your bike
– Detachable
– Patches and glue
– Bomb

What could you buy in the workshop?:
– Puncture repair kit
– Rim cover

MONDAY 26 September: Brakes

What will we do:
– Differentiate between different types of brakes
– Change pills
– Change covers and cables
– Remove braking noises
– Adjust and center brakes

What Brig, if you have it:
– 8mm and 10mm spanner
– 5mm Allen key
– Any other key that could be useful for your bike's brakes
– New brake pads, if yours are worn

What can you buy in the workshop:
– Brake cables and sheaths
– Allen wrenches

SUNDAY 2 October: Changes

What will we do:
– Learn theory of change
– Talk about possible transmission problems
– Adjust our changes
– We measure the wear of our chains
– Finish the workshop wanting to climb mountains with the transmissions
well adjusted

What Brig, if you have it:
– Wrenches that correspond to the nuts and bolts of your gear and
diverted (fixed of 8 y 10mm, Allen key 4 and 5mm)
– Cross screwdriver, small for other derailleur and shift bolts
– Screwdriver, little (if there is the corresponding screw in
your change)
– Oil (other than WD-40)

What can you buy in the workshop:
– Allen wrenches
– Chain oil
– Shift cables

MONDAY 10 October: Addresses, bushings, bottom bracket

What will we do:
– Differentiate between two types of bearings
– Un-adjust and adjust our directions
– And the hubs and bottom brackets, if there's any lazy one over there

What Brig, if you have it:
– Allen wrenches
– Steering keys if your bike requires it (normally 32 o 36mm)
– Cone wrenches (13, 14, 15, 16mm, etc)
– Tools to adjust the bottom bracket

What can you buy in the workshop:
– Allen wrenches
– Cone wrenches

SUNDAY 16 October: Center wheels

What will we do:
– Talk about the theory of tensioning wheels
– Center our wheels if necessary, or practice with other bad wheels

What Brig, if you have it:
– Radio key / s
– Wheel centering

What can you buy in the workshop:
– Radio keys
– Rim cover