Workshop schedule change
The heat and the sun arrive in Vallcarca and that is why we change the schedule: starting next friday 22 May we open at 18:00h! See you soon friends!
Self-managed bicycle self-repair workshop in Vallcarca
The heat and the sun arrive in Vallcarca and that is why we change the schedule: starting next friday 22 May we open at 18:00h! See you soon friends!
Biciosxs reopens the doors for people who need to repair their bicycle. We believe that it is necessary to offer this service for people who use bicycles as transportation in their daily lives and do not have access to Continue reading We reopen!
The workshop will remain closed for a while.El taller restarà tancat una temporada. We have decided to close the shop because it is a place where people gather enough and in which we believe could infect unxs to Continue reading Closed until further notice
Next Friday 27 in December the workshop will not open due to the winter solstice holidays. The next Friday 27 December we do not open. Next friday december 27th the workshop will be closed. Apologies for any inconvenience and we are Continue reading Not open the 27!
Good all LA! By the time change and decreasing hours of sunshine a day we change the schedule. Now open at 17h and 21h close at approximately. We open and close at 17h to 21h Continue reading NEW SCHEDULE!
On Saturday 15 June Biciosxs We're in a market stall Vallcarca, an initiative that promotes responsible consumption, Organic and local in Vallcarca. If you come to repair your bike, you leave tools Continue reading We Biciosxs the market Vallcarca
With the change of time, the arrival of heat and the little space with shade in the workshop, the early afternoon on the sunny side are not sustainable. For that, we have decided to change the opening hours of the workshop 17 Continue reading New timetable for spring / summer
This winter the bike workshop will close the following days: Friday 21 December: Closed Friday 28 December: Closed Friday 4 January: Closed Come with warm clothes and a desire to self-repair your bike! And remember now Continue reading Autumn-Winter Bike Workshop
Here we Thyme 24, squatted for more than 2 years a property of Núñez y Navarro, great speculator who gets rich at the expense of the people’s roof. In late May we received a request for eviction. In front Continue reading Thyme 24 nonmarch!
This June the bike workshop will close the following days: Every Friday June: Reopen Closed on Friday 6 July 2018 at the usual time. And remember that unless otherwise indicated, workshop Continue reading Bike Workshop June 2018 – CLOSED